
吉林省律师协会对外投资与贸易法律专业委员会资讯速递(二 )

信息来源: | 责任编辑: 发布时间:2014-02-27

Outline to the Contract Lawof CHINA

Chunli He

Section1 Development of Contract Law in China

On March 15, 1999, the Contract Law of the People’sRepublic of China was adopted by the Second Session of the Ninth NationalPeople’s Congress and scheduled to take effect on October.

The Contract Law contains general provisions ,applicable to all contracts in chapters 1-8,as well as specific provisionrelating to 15 types of contracts.

The Contract Law unifies and improve upon China ‘sthree previous Contract Laws, i.e. The Economic Contract Law , the ForeignEconomic Contract Law ,the Technology Contract law . The Contract Law seeks toestablish a more advanced, systematic, and comprehensive contract law to suitthe particular needs of China ‘s transitional economy. The contract lawdemonstrated a desire to progress towards a market-driven economy and away fromstate control.

Compared to the three former contract laws, the scopeof application of the unified contract law has been appropriately widened tocover a broader range of the contracts.

Section 2 Concept of Contract

When the Common Law and Continental Civil lawdefinitions of contract are compared, the definition of contract in Continental Civil Law is more abstract. It isbased on expression of the parties’ intent (or translated as “expression ofwill”)

Article 2 of the 1999 Contract Law defines contract asan agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the relations of civilrights and obligations between natural persons, legal persons or otherorganizations of equal status.

The seemingly plain and straightforward definition ofcontract in article 2 includes the following element.

Firstly, contract is an agreement. The notion ofagreement means that the legal effect of contract arises from the will of theparties , rather than from operation of state law or policy. The essence ofcontract is the autonomy of parties and freedom of contract.

Secondly, the parties that can enter into a contractare natural persons, legal person or other organizations. Natural person refersto Chinese citizens, foreigners as well as stateless person. Legal person is anassociation that has capacity for civil rights and civil conducts , independentenjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law.Other organizations  would mean toinclude those organizations that are formed under the law with certain assetsand organizational structure, but have no independent civil ability and capacity.legal person is different from other organizations in that a legal personindependently bears civil responsibilities while an other organization doesnot.

Thirdly, the parties to a contract are equal parties.The reference to equal parties serves to exclude from the concept of contractthose agreement that arise from administrative relationships.

Fourthly contract is an agreement establishing, modifyingand terminating relationship of civil rights and duties.

Section 3 FundamentalPrinciples of China’s Contract Law

The fundamental doctrines of Chinese Contract law areset out in articles 3 to 7 of the contract law. They are the principles ofequality, freedom of contract, good faith, pacta sunt servanda, public policyand fostering transactions.

Freedom of Contract

The essential elements of the doctrine of freedom ofcontract under Chinese Law includethefreedom to make a contract or not to make any contract; the freedom to choosewith whom one should contract; the freedom to decide the contents of thecontract; the freedom to decide the mode in which the contract is to be made;the freedom to stipulate the remedies for a breach, and the freedom to decidethe dispute resolution mechanism to be stipulated into the contract. Theprinciple of freedom of contract governs every stage of the contracting processand is in many ways the most crucial of all contract law principles.

A major reflections of the contract law adoption offreedom of contract is that it has limited the mandatory provision in theprevious contract laws and, at the same time, broadened the scope of electiveprovision.  many articles of the contractlaw include the important qualifier “except where the parties have otherwiseagreed”, indicating the law’s respect for the parties’ free will.

Doctrine of good faith

“Good faith” isthe highest principle in Continental Civil Law System. Article 6 of the ChineseContract Law provides that the parties shall observe the principle of honestyand good faith in exercising their rights and performing their obligations.

This doctrine aims to balance the interests betweenthe parties, as well as interests of the parties and the society at large. Whenapplied between the parties ,it requires them to respect each other. As regardsthe society at large, it prevents the parties from prejudicing public interest.It not only balance the interest between the parties, but also safeguards thesocial interest, such that the market can operate in an orderly manner. Thedoctrine of good faith is considered in line with the highest ideals of humansociety.

In China , the Contract Law requires the contractingparties to exercise their rights and fulfill their duties in strict accordancewith the principle of good faith, not only at the stages of contract formation,performance, modification and termination, but also after the contractualrelationship is terminated.

Pacta sunt servanda

Once a contract is formed, the parties must strictlyobserve and comply with the contract. This doctrine is known as pacta suntservanda. article 8(1)the contract law provides that a lawfully establishedcontract shall be legally binding on the parties thereto, who shall eachperform its own obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract, andno party shall unilaterally modify or terminate the contract.

The principle of fostering transactions

A transaction is an exchange of property or otherforms of interest between independent entities or individuals in themarketplace. Transaction must be encouraged so that economic efficiency and theoverall wealth of society can be increased. Voluntary transactions can allowresources to go to the party who valued them the most. This party can in turnuse the resources to produce the greatest value. Thus , although, contract lawitself can not create social wealth, it can foster efficient transactions.

The China‘s Contract Law has embodied the principle offostering transactions in the following major respects:

iRuleson contract  formation

The contract law’s rules on offer and acceptance aredesigned to facilitate formation of contracts and transactions. for instance,according to the traditional continental theory, offer and acceptance must beidentical in their contents. A reply that adds to , limits or modifies theoriginal offer is equal to a refusal of the offer, this traditional view hascome to be regarded as unfavorable to the fostering of transactions. The UniteNations Convention on the International Immaterial contents of the offer andthe offeror does not promptly manifest her objection, the contract shall bedeemed as formed, the same rule has been adopted by article 31of the ChinaContract Law.

iiForm of a contract

In the spirit of fostering transactions, China’sContract Law has adopted the view that the form of a contract is evidence forthe contract’s existence, rather than a criterion in deciding whether thecontract has been formed. article 10 of the Contract Law provides that “forparties to form their contract, there are written, oral, and other forms”

iiiContract formation and validity are different,contract formation refers to the completion of the process whereby the partiesthrough equal consultation come to agree on the terms of their contemplatedtransaction. However, a contract does not automatically become valid as it isformed . contract validity largely depends on the states’ attitude to the contractin question. In other words , contract formation is mainly governed by theparties’ free will .in contrast, contract validity chiefly reflects the state’sevaluation of and intervention in contractual relationships.

China ‘s Contract Law follows the principle offostering transactions in designing its rules on contract validity. Forinstance, the law allows various ways to validate a contract despite itsdeficiencies.In addition to listing four special types of invalid contracts ,the contract law explicitly provides that invalid contract are those thatviolate mandatory provisions of a law or administrative regulation.

The principle of public policy

The doctrine denotes good customs and public order ,meaning that juristic acts must conform to the mainstream moral and ethicalstandard of the society. Civil acts that are contrary to the doctrine of publicpolicy are legally void. In the field of juristic acts, it restricts theautonomous space of individuals and prohibits any attempt to attain individualachievement by sacrificing social morality.



第一部分  中国合同法的发展




第二部分  合同的概念







第三部分  中国合同法的基本原则






















SeniorPartner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm Changchun Office





MajorPractice Areas

1.  Legal advicer

2.  Company recombination and M﹠A

3.  Go listing, investment and financing

4.  Foreign Law including Foreign DirectInvestment and Indirect Investment, Overseas MA,International Trade.

5.  Real Estate and Construction Law


Master of Law of RenminUniversity of China

Bachelor of Economics of Jilin University  


Part-time Professor in Jilin University


English ,Chinese


Qualification of Securities Practice ;Qualification of Independent Director.

Qualification of bankruptcy management,Qualification of advanced engineering cost management


1.     July 1987-May 1994     Lecturer of EnterpriseManagement

2.     July1994- July 1997     Manager of Car Sells Company

3.     July1997-May 2002     Lecturerof International Business Law in Changchun                                              

Industry University

4.     July 2002- Now         PracticingLawyer


北京盈科(长春)律师事务所 高级合伙人













中国人民大学法学院   经济法硕士

吉林大学              经济学学士








1、1987年7月至1994年5月 企业管理讲师

2、1994年5月至1997年7月  汽车销售公司经理

3、1997年7月至2002年5月 长春工业大学国际经济法教师

4、2002年7月至今 执业律师